Esteban Márquez Delgado

⚙️📊 Financial Engineer BSc.
Business & Data Analyst
(Statistical & Quantitative Modelling)

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Working Experience:
  • Trading Club GDL
    Portfolio Risk Management Associate
    January 2018 - Present (6 years)
    Guadalajara, MX

    Historical Data Optimization Simulations for APIs automatic Portfolio Constructions, Risk Measuring & Predictive Modelling.

  • Investor House MX
    Financial Analyst Associate
    May 2017 - Present (7 years)
    Mexico City, MX

    Web Scrapping Financial Data to perform Technical, Fundamental & Corporate Data Analysis to automate insight deliveries & support Investment Decisions.

  • SHCP (Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público)
    Data Science Internship
    May 2022 - December 2022 (6 months)
    Guadalajara, MX

    Big Data (+1m) automatic ETL processes with NLP Supervised Classifications to develop Price Prediction Models on MX Clothings imports for taxing purposes.

  • IIEG (Instituto de Información Estadística y Geográfica de Jalisco)
    GIS Data Science Internship
    January 2022 - May 2022 (6 months)
    Guadalajara, MX

    HTTP querying Natural Protected Areas Remote Sensed Data with Satellite Imagery to identify zones of pressure with Unsupervised Learning algorithms.

  • Impresiones Formar
    Co-Chief Executive Officer
    Jan 2023 - Present
    Guadalajara, MX

    Focusing on customer satisfaction through quality & presence in the whole Republic and beyond, since 1990 as we've been one of the main manufacturers in the country focusing on urgent deliveries & quality while optimizing resources which allows us to be more productive, preserve our clients & to anticipate to their orders.

  • Grupo Guía (Grupo Guía Excelencia Inmobiliaría)
    GIS Engineer
    Jan 2024 - Present
    Guadalajara, MX

    We've been able to predict emerging housing markets with machine learning algorithms & satellite imagery geospatial data and we've constructed +10 houses as investors & their assistance with an avg. of 30% yearly returns.

  • Developer Program Member

    5+ years experience using Github & Github Copilot (as a beta tester before its launch) while taking advantage of my Skills.html.

    Cloud backup & sharing purposes:

    settings.json & keybindings.json

    Effectively troubleshooting collaborations with DevOps.

    Studying English as a Second Language since I was 5 years old 3 hours a day I can effectively communicate with speakers verbally through native spelling & grammar.


Programming Languages 🖥

Symbol Language Experience
Python 5+ years
R 4+ years
MATLAB 4+ years
Markdown 4+ years
LaTeX 4+ years
Git 4+ years
HTML 3+ years
CSS 3+ years
YAML 1+ years
JavaScript 1+ years
C# -1 years
PHP -1 years
TypeScript -1 years

Frameworks 📱

Symbol Framework Experience
Streamlit 2+ years
Keras 1+ years
PyTorch 1+ years
TensorFlow 1+ years
Node.js 1+ years
React.js 1+ years
.NET 1+ years
Selenium 1+ years

Hosting 🌐

Symbol Hosting Experience
Github 4+ years
Gitlab 2+ years
Azure 1+ years

Text Editor 💻

Symbol Editor Experience
Jupyter 6+ years
RStudio 5+ years
Spyder 4+ years
PyCharm 3+ years
VSCode 3+ years
VSCode Web 4+ years
GitHub Codespaces 3+ years
Google Colab 2+ years

Terminals 🖥

Symbol Terminal Experience
Conda 5+ years
Bash 4+ years
CMD 4+ years
PowerShell 3+ years
Ubuntu 3+ years

DevTools 🌐

Symbol DevTools Experience
MDN Dev 2+ years
DevTools 2+ years
Experimental 2+ years

     Algoritms Experience:

Frequent Pkgs:

Mostly experienced with the following libraries in remote environments:

time datetime import glob os tk logging random numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn plotly scipy ggplot scikit-learn statsmodels nltk tabulate pillow beautifulsoup requests fitter nltk xgboost tensorflow keras pytorch selenium opencv dash pytest sqlalchemy pip install pipreqs pyxirr ipython markdown2 python_dateutil yahoofinancials MetaTrader5 jupyter chart_studio pandas_datareader regex fire ccxt kaleido pytz datetime import glob os tk logging random numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn plotly scipy ggplot scikit-learn statsmodels nltk tabulate pillow beautifulsoup requests fitter nltk xgboost tensorflow keras pytorch selenium opencv dash pytest sqlalchemy pip install pipreqs pyxirr ipython markdown2 python_dateutil yahoofinancials MetaTrader5 jupyter chart_studio pandas_datareader regex fire ccxt kaleido pytz

tidyverse tidyr lubridate stringr dplyr readr purrr tibble knitr shiny caret rmarkdown

Simulink Curve Fitting Toolbox Financial Toolbox Deep Learning Toolbox Neural Network Toolbox